A westerner named Casey, studying Ninjutsu in Japan, is asked by the Sensei to return to New York to protect the legendary Yoroi Bitsu, an armored...
Solely in black and white watercolors, the OVA follows a woman who awakes in a deserted town with no memories and no clothing. The story continues to...
Fight everyone and trust no one: it's the code of survival practiced by martial-arts master Casey Bowman after his life of domestic bliss is...
Ninja: Shadow of a Tear
The spirit of Kiba the Dark Makai Knight influenced everything since the beginning. Though he called himself a Makai Knight, Kiba was no different to...
GARO - Kiba: The Dark Knight
Garo: Soukoku no Maryu (lit. Blue Cries of the Demon Dragon) is the second film to the Garo series. The film serves as an epilogue after Makai Senki...
GARO and the Wailing Dragon
In the aftermath events of GARO: Chapter of the Black Wolf, Saejima Kouga sets out to the northern district upon reassignment. While hunting down...
GARO Special: Beast of the Demon Night
Movie consists of 5 different segments based on stories in the novel "Ima, Yari ni Yukimasu: RE-DUX Kyofu Jitsuwashū" by Yumeaki Hirayama...
I'm Coming to Get You
Heihachi Mishima, head of the powerful Mishima Zaibatsu and respected martial artist, announces The King of Iron Fist Tournament in which contestants...
King of Iron Fist Tournament
The story follows Paprika, an American exchange student on a "homestay" in Japan and her friend, Juicy, who have to deal with the arrival of...
Chibiham, Juicy & Me
Set in 16th Century Japan, the film takes place against a background of civil war, with the Iga ninja being ruled over by warlord Nobunaga Oda with...
Rogue Ninja
A young man moves from the countryside to Tokyo, while experiencing hardships and happiness, in his pursuit to become a comics artist.
Onobori monogatari
A young woman gets emotionally caught in a voyeuristic game on the darker shades of Tokyo.
Darkness of Otherwhere
5th-grader Atsuko Kagami, nicknamed Akko, comes into possession of a magical mirror that lets her transform into anything she wishes. Wanting to grow...
Akko's Secret
The current wearer of the gold wolf armor Garo, doesn’t believe women can be chosen to wear mystic armor. When Kouga's quest thrusts him into...
GARO: Red Requiem
When a pastry chef is undergoing a slump and cannot consistently make the store's trademark cherry pie anymore, she begins practicing after hours....
Cherry Pie
Based on the poplar novel by Yumeaki Hirayama, three horrifying stories about ghost.
SUPER Horrifying Story
Anri (Anri Sugihara) becomes successful as a gravure idol and she catches the attention of men across the world, but she realizes that she forgot her...
...And Love
A comet crashes into a Japanese forest and a group of mighty ninjas must fight a group of killer Aliens before they reach their village and kill...
Alien vs. Ninja
A special Garo episode, with the Garo production team collaborating with New Japan Pro Wrestling to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Garo...
GARO: Ashura
Lurking among us are the Horrors, ancient enemies of our kind. Holding the line against them, down through the ages, are the Makai Knights. Assuming...
GARO - Under the Moonbow
A variety of aviation professionals such as pilots, flight attendants, the ground crew, mechanics, dispatchers, controllers, and the bird patrol crew...
Happy Flight
Four candidates, four job interviews. Will they get the job or will the corporate world get them? Eat or be eaten.
A disabled child of separated parents gets caught up in police espionage due to his uncanny ability to remember license plate numbers.
Chicken Is Barefoot