What were the dinosaurs like? How long ago did they live? Can a dinosaur be created from DNA? Did they take care of their young? Why did they die...
Standard Deviants - Dinosaurs: Lifestyles of the Big and Carnivorous
Parlez vous Français? Not yet? Well, the Standard Deviants can help. The Standard Deviants will help you master the French alphabet, learn...
The Standard Deviants: The Flaky Pastry World of French
Learning how to speak Spanish is easy with The Standard Deviants. They'll begin by introducing you to the Spanish alphabet, vocabulary, and...
The Standard Deviants: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish, Part 1
The Standard Deviants tackle the basics of Italian with lots of vocabulary, definite and indefinite articles and conjugating verbs. Whether you're...
Standard Deviants - The Lively World of Italian: Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives
Whether you're learning about quotients and numerators for the first time or you're looking for a quick review, The Standard Deviants deliver. Throw...
The Standard Deviants: The Zany World of Basic Math
Original, one-part 1995 version.
The Standard Deviants Video Course Review: The High-Stakes World of Statistics
The Standard Deviants cover everything you need to ace organic chemistry.
The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 3
This series also covers the essential concepts of astronomy: gravity, the light spectrum, Earth's magnetic field, the solar system, the sun, Kepler's...
The Standard Deviants: The Really Big World of Astronomy, Part 1
An introduction to fantasy literature, namely The Lord of the Rings, Arthurian legend, and Beowulf. Released as two VHS tapes, "Swords & Sorcery" and...
Standard Deviants: Rings, Kings & Things
Everyone and their pet has a website—and now you can too! Using hypertext markup language (HTML), the Standard Deviants walk viewers through...
The Standard Deviants: The Hyperlinked World of Learning HTML
Learn Spanish beyond the basic level with interactive, fast-paced graphics and humor.
Standard Deviants - The Constructive World of Advanced Spanish: Verbs
Do you have a little bit of background with the Spanish language, but want to build on that foundation? Then ¡este es el programa para ti!...
Standard Deviants - The Constructive World of Advanced Spanish: Building on the Basics
As a famous English teacher once remarked on his deathbed, "Dying is easy; grammar is hard." If English is your native language, you probably don't...
The Standard Deviants: The Split-Infinitive World of English Grammar
The Standard Deviants use comedy to help students grasp the skills needed to write a paper. They cover everything from stating and supporting a...
The Standard Deviants: The Wrinkle-Free World of English Composition
Explains when and where you should - and shouldn't - use these elusive little marks. These DVDs also cover commas, colons, the elusive semi-colon,...
The Standard Deviants: The Untamed World of English Punctuation
Personal Finance will provide you with the seven steps designed to help you gain control of your financial future: dreaming, setting goals, financial...
No-Brainers on Personal Finance
Organic Chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals specifically with the structures, synthesis, and reactions of carbon-containing compounds. This...
The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 1
The Standard Deviants: The Deep-Fried World of Organic Chemistry, Part 2
You know, a lot of people love and enjoy Shakespeare's plays. But, just as many people complain that they don't "get" Shakespeare. That's not...
The Standard Deviants: Shakespeare Tragedies
Includes such topics as: origins of government, types of government, components of American democracy, popular consent, popular sovereignty, equality.
The Standard Deviants: The Revolutionary World of American Government
Mastered trigonometry? Conquered calculus? Differential equations await the intrepid math scholar...and the Standard Deviants are ready to help! This...
The Standard Deviants: The Supersonic World of Differential Equations
No-Brainers on Taxes will teach you how the system works, and take you step-by-step through Form 1040 and lots of accompanying forms, like 2441,...
No-Brainers on Taxes
Original, 1-part version from 1996.
The Standard Deviants Video Course Review: The Unbelievable World of Physics
Original 1995 version.
The Standard Deviants: The Creepy, Crawly World of Calculus
Does the idea of speaking in front of an audience fill you with dread? Relax! The Standard Deviants will help you overcome your fear of public...
No-Brainers on Public Speaking
The talented and lively Standard Deviants crew teaches viewers ways to understand the nature of language instead of guiding them by rote...
The Standard Deviants: The Salsa-Riffic World of Spanish, Part 2
This edition of Trigonometry includes such topics as radians, the special angles, right triangles, the Pythagorean Theorem, sine, cosine, tangent,...
The Standard Deviants: The Twisted World of Trigonometry, Part 1
Every year, millions of high school and college students walk into their first geometry class thinking: "Circles and squares. How tough can it be?"...
The Standard Deviants: The Many-Sided World of Geometry, Part 1
In Astronomy Part 2, you will learn all about the planets, asteroids, comets, meteoroids, the layers of the sun, fusion, and more. The Standard...
The Standard Deviants: The Really Big World of Astronomy, Part 2
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW TO ACE PRE-CALCULUS IS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: functions, polynomials, f(x), RATIONAL FUNCTIONS, standard form for rational...
The Standard Deviants: The Dangerous World of Pre-Calculus, Part 1
Physics is a system of models of nature according to which all phenomena are explained in terms of matter and force. Sound confusing? It doesn't have...
The Standard Deviants: The Gravity-Packed World of Physics, Parts 1&2
This DVD dives into the advanced principles of Algebra. The Standard Deviants tour of the world of algebra continues with complete coverage of...
The Standard Deviants: The Adventurous World of College Algebra, Part 2
Geometry Part 2 goes into detail on perimeter, circumference and area for 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional figures. This DVD is also helpful for...
The Standard Deviants: The Many-Sided World of Geometry, Part 2
Part 2 starts off with a quick review of graphing as well as sine, cosine and tangent. From there, this video charts new territory as we dive into...
The Standard Deviants: The Twisted World of Trigonometry, Part 2
With all those X's and Y's, pre-algebra can be very intimidating. But with the right preparation, pre-algebra is as easy as 1-2-3! Building on your...
The Standard Deviants: The Pumped-Up World of Pre-Algebra, Part 1
Required study by high schools and colleges, algebra has been a notorious stumbling block for students. Without a solid foundation in algebra,...
The Standard Deviants: The Adventurous World of College Algebra, Part 1
This edition includes topics such as exponential functions, common log or base 10, rules of exponents, natural log or base e, applications of...
The Standard Deviants: The Dangerous World of Pre-Calculus, Part 2
Revised 1998 version. Beginning with a review of functions and graphing, Part 1 jumps into the world of calculus by covering limits, vertical and...
The Standard Deviants: The Candy-Coated World of Calculus, Part 1
Revised 1998 version. When you're ready to tackle advanced calculus, The Standard Deviants are ready to help! Part 2 covers applications of the...
The Standard Deviants: The Candy-Coated World of Calculus, Part 2