The romance film follows the story of two young couples from different social backgrounds as they grow up, head to college and eventually try to find...
The Drifting Red Balloon
Song Ci: River God Case
In order to protect the magic elixir Daoist Ding asked his five disciples to leave the Hall of Eternal Life with this potion. Unexpectedly Mo...
The Myth of Gods: Mermaids' Tale
The Dragon Tomb
The Sky Coffin in Qinling Town
Romantic Assassin
The legendary Jiangcheng marksman "Ghost Hand" was called a traitor and hunted down by the Xixi Hall, who protects the peace of district. Lu Lan, a...
The Magical Shooters
The Story of the Night Watcher 2
During the Republic of China, the Jinmen Wharf revived, the Caoyun and Qinglong Gang fought for business. Qin Fan, the descendant of Bian Que magic...
The Curious Case of Tianjin
Legend of King
Royal Medical Examiner
Dali Temple’s Official Qi Ling received the emperor’s secret edict again, and was ordered to track down the “Kowloon Pen”...
The Treasure Code
The Dream Thieves
Two ambitious hapless guys were forced to have a lot of debts due to gambling. During a luxury car theft, they accidentally got a valuable treasure -...
Crazy Deal
I Am Nobody
A young man travels from his hometown to Hengdian, the place where the country's biggest movies are filmed. Like many others, his dream is to become...
I Am Somebody
Jigong's Magic Fan
Weary of the bloodshed and violence from the martial arts world, a powerful swordsman banishes himself to the humble life a vagrant, wandering the...
Sword Master
[Chapter 1: Aconite and the Imp(s)] Officer Hsu is found poisoned and dead in his room one night, next to him stands multiple sing song girls who all...
The Hidden Town
Mu Sheng, Jinglan, Siyan and others gathered in the Snake King Valley due to an unexpected turmoil. Only the snake-like flowers in the depths of...
King of Snake
Project Lunatic
A locust plague that was rare in a century has invaded the land of Wuzhou. Empress Wu Zetian orders the delivery of relief money to the disaster...
Detective Dee and the Mysterious City
In the peaceful town of Whitehorse, strange things are happening recently. In the meantime, a group of strange and evil people have assembled in the...
Desperate Anger City
Many urban legends exist around a famous "Suolongjing" near Beixin Bridge in old Beijing. The ancient water well with chains going underground....
Luban Four Heroes
A love story from a woman's point of view and set in the Republican era, the main character is an upright girl named Qingzan who wants to become a...
Love in the Kitchen
In the days of Tianhe, Murong Feng, the chief attendant of the Department of Heaven Forbidden, captured the tiger larvae who had defected from...
Fighting Immortal Statue